Industrial Livestock Farming and Its Problems

"Alabama Travel-262" by beigeinside Cows, pigs, chicken, and many other animals have been a large part of human meat intake for longer than I’ve lived. Over time, technology has helped keep more animals fed and controlled in smaller spaces, thus producing more meat for the world. However, this has resulted in many problems. The methane released into the atmosphere is dangerously high, all because of the farts leaving the animals themselves and multiple sources. Animals are treated inhumanely, live cruel lives, and are always in constant fear and stress. The quality of the meat we intake from these industrial farms are usually high in fat. Letting the animals graze in open fields throughout their lifetime before death will bring many benefits and let the animals live a humane life before their inevitable death. In the future, lab meat could possibly revolutionize how we produce meat on a large scale. The technology that our specie...