Polish Pierogi Autobiography

Polish Pierogi Autobiography The pierogi, a food of many variations and taste preferences. For the Polish people and I, It is the food of our ancestry and the hardships and successes that our patriotic country has pushed through. It’s also a food of great memories from the past, all the holidays, reunions, dinners, and trips to the fatherland, which I try to hold onto for as long as I can. The food has been in our culture for as long as since the 13th century. The nation itself might have changed in its military strength, diversity, territory size, alliances, treaties, laws, name, and hell, its non-existence on the maps of the world from time to time, such as during WW1, but the food hasn’t changed one bit. The pierogi itself is a diverse food, which can vary when it comes to the fillings that the central-eastern european dumpling can provide, but we’ll come back to that soon. Of course, the pierogi can’t be filled and eaten if it isn’t made in the first place. For the dumpling...